Residents in Training Grants

Travel grants will be made available to young residents in training to facilitate their attendance to the ENA 2022 symposium.

Each fellowship grant shall be worth a free registration, free accommodation for a maximum of 3 nights and travel booking.

To be eligible for the travel grant, an applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • An applicant must be in training or out of training for no more than five years. Candidates who have had career disruptions are eligible, provided they are no more than 5 years full-time equivalent out of training. Training is defined as any clinical or post-graduate training.
  • An applicant must submit an abstract as first author to the ENA 2022 symposium and must have primarily conducted the research presented in the abstract. Only applicants with an accepted abstract will be considered.
    Applicants can apply for the grant at the time of abstract submission. When selected you must present your abstract at the ENA 2022 symposium.
  • Provide a letter from the Head of the Department/Organisation stating that the applicant is not the recipient of any other financial support;
  • Provide a one page CV


  • Submissions are now closed.

Residents Scientists

Young Scientists Grants

Young Scientists

Travel grants will be made available to young scientists to facilitate their attendance to the ENA 2022 conference.

Each fellowship grant shall be worth a free registration, free accommodation for a maximum of 3 nights and travel booking.

To be eligible for the travel grant, an applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • An applicant must be a MPhil/ PhD student or 1st year postdoctoral scientist
  • An applicant must submit an abstract as first author to the ENA 2022 symposium and must have primarily conducted the research presented in the abstract. Only applicants with an accepted abstract will be considered.
    Applicants can apply for the grant at the time of abstract submission. When selected you must present your abstract at the ENA 2022 symposium.

  • Provide a letter from the Head of the Department/Organisation stating that the applicant is not the recipient of any other financial support;
  • Provide a one page CV


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